

    SHILLS 熱感23吋小腰滾擦精華

    名称 : SHILLS 熱感23吋小腰滾擦精華
    价格 : MYR38.00
    SHILLS 熱感23吋小腰滾擦精華
    描述 :

    SHILLS Waist Slimming Roller Gel 50ml

    SHILLS 23腰平腹纖體熱感精華針對一般女性最想窈窕的部位:『腹部及腰部曲線』,而推出了專為忙碌而沒有時間做運動的您的勻體精華,搭配瓶身360度滾輪設計完全不沾手,使用後免沖洗,又能達到加倍窈窕效果。

    SHILLS 23腰平腹纖體熱感精華更添加發熱燃燒纖體的100%唐辛子,極細分子快速滲透,徹底燃燒搭配滾輪按摩,能有效鬆動囤積肉,窈窕平腹功效加倍!! L-卡尼丁-瞬間化為極小水分子,深層導入並帶出,有效去除皺紋;海藻+銀杏緊緻精華-強效塑造完美曲線,讓線條更迷人有型。在聚肉囤積處按摩滾推,充分 感受熱感溫感交互緊繃效果,常能改善肌膚鬆弛現象,提拉緊實腰腹部曲線。持續使用滾輪按摩腰腹部,搭配運動,效果更顯著,今天起開始輕鬆打造完美窈窕曲 線。





    SHILLS Hot Abdomen Roll-On Gel is specially designed for those who want to remain slim but lack time to do exercise. This cool gel is an easy-to-use rub-on essence. Simply roll the gel using the 360° roller onto area of concern, e.g. abdomen and lower waist curve It rinse free, fuss free— you can have your beautiful body curvature with simple roll-on movement.

    SHILLS Hot Abdomen Roll-On Gel is blended with heat slimming essence—100% Tōgarashi, a chili pepper that is known for its slimming effect. With Ultra-fine molecules, it can quickly penetrate and burn the excessive fat, facilitate by the massage roller. L-Carnitine – it breaks into small water molecules upon application and infiltrate deep into your skin, effectively remove wrinkles and fine lines, leaving you with smooth and soft skin. Algae & Ginkgo essence helps shaping and retaining your perfect curve. With the help of the massage roller, you can fully enjoy the thermal effect brought by the product, and also prevent muscle sagging after slimming, giving you a better defined waistline. The slimming effect can be accentuated with regular exercise.

    Use a special 360 ° roller and apply the gel to area of concern. Massage the gel to help absorption. In 3-5 minutes, the massaged area will appear with redness due to the heat.

    Ingredients is L-Carnitine, Algae & Ginkgo essence, Tōgarashi.
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