描述 :
SMARTSENSE LEPTIN GREEN COFFEE 800仅有一种标签》》》请各位美眉们,认真了解产品, 切勿为了省下区区几十元而购买假货》》》》》

假货的盒纸上写的字是**[18 pack]**
真货的盒纸上写的字是**[18 sachets,有封条*封条上的字是写*Leptin American Leptin Pharmaceutical Co.Ltd ] 顾客 们可要认清楚才买哦!
SMARTSENSE LEPTIN GREEN COFFEE 800仅有一种标签》》》请各位美眉们,认真了解产品, 切勿为了省下区区几十元而购买假货》》》》》
因为LEPTIN GREEN COFFEE 是如今市场上最畅销的商品,一些商家已纷纷仿冒L EPTIN产品的包装,企图制造自己的标签,在以贱价售 卖,使得很多顾客误以为是原创LEPTIN 公司的产品,在此,SMART SENSE 公司以作出回应,SMART SENSE LEPTIN ORIGINAL 商标仅此一种 ,其他任何标签商品并不属于SMARTSENSE LEPTIN 公司商品

原装进口美国 Leptin减肥话梅是通过超低温萃取法,从云南普洱茶
、荷叶等可做膳食用之草本植物中萃取出有效成分,通过科 学配伍,以古方秘制的话梅为载体,接种特制微胶囊化活性 乳酸菌,经复杂工序生产而成的不含任何化学药剂的纯天然 健康食品。减肥不需要刻意节食,对人体无任何副作用。同 时不抑制食欲,不刺激神经中枢,不成瘾,不厌食,不乏力 ,不反弹!
美国Leptin话梅以话梅为载体,帮助我们做好“体内 环保”,48小时持续保护您的肠胃、滋润肠道、软化干涸 粪便、分解有害物质,并使其易于排出体外。能迅速修复肠 道壁受损细胞, 滋养肠粘膜, 清除肠道内自由基, 延缓细胞衰老, 启动细胞活力, 达到养肠效果。 从根本上解决便秘问题。
第 1 天: 睡前服用1小时后,体内肠道壁上的肥油、毒素和宿便开始 被分解、软化。6 ~ 8小时内会无比通畅的排出松软成型的黑色油便、宿便和毒 素,味臭,便量比平时大 3 倍,水面漂浮油花。
第 7 天: 服用七天后,肠内油脂和宿便及毒素基本上排除干净.这时 小便透明, 大便嫩黄, 圆圆的小肚子变软变平, 脸色明显红润光滑, 精力充沛。
第 30 天:支持服用 30 天后,胃、肠动力得到彻底激活。便秘不反弹,色斑淡化, 皮肤光亮嫩滑。
[主要配料] 话梅、乳酸菌、低聚木糖、粉红玫瑰、桑椹
[规格型号] 15粒×10克/盒
[食用方法] 每日一次,晚餐后拆开一包嚼食
[食用人群] 排便困难(便秘)、脸色晦暗(痤疮)、体内垃圾、毒素沉积者
[保质期限] 18个月
[贮藏方法] 避免置于高温、潮湿及日光直射处
[注意事项] 幼儿、孕妇不建议食用;严重消化道溃疡者慎用;内有果核请勿吞食。
• 使用期间,尽量不要食用含糖量和脂肪量高的食品。
• 极少数消费者在开始使用时可能会出现身体不适的症状。 这种症状的主要表现为:
1) 睡眠质量不佳 - 这属于体内脂肪燃烧后还未能及时排泄出来的缘故。这时应加强运动或配合使用清肠排毒产品,及时排泄即可。
2) 心慌、头晕 - 这属于体内脂肪燃烧过快而身体能量供给不足的缘故。这时应多吃含维生素高的食品补充身体需要即可。
3) 双腿发软 - 这属于体内脂肪消耗太快而造成的。这时应多喝水、多吃瘦肉、蛋类食品补充身体需要即可。
4) 身体多汗 - 这属于体内脂肪燃烧后的一种自然排泄现象。这时应注意多喝水。
Leptin Weight Loss Dried Plum
Leptin weight loss dried plum is made from the effective ingredients extracted from the edible herbal plants such as Yunnan Puerh tea, lotus leaves, through ultra-low-temperature extraction, then by scientific combination, inoculate the special microcapsule active lactobacillus, taking secreted-prepared dried plums as carriers, and then carry on complicated process to produce this kind of natural healthy food without any chemical agents. Weight loss does not require diet deliberately, and it has no side effects on human bodies. Meanwhile, it will not restric your appetite; not stimulate your nerve center, without addiction, anorexia, fatigue, and reoccurrence !
Main Ingredients :-
Dried plum, Active lactobacillus, lotus leaves, Puerh tea.
Net Content : 15 packs/box
Usage : Take once everyday and open one bag to chew after dinner.
Applicable group : Persons requiring reducing weight and body weight-control due to excess nutrition, lack of exercise, and many social activities for over eating and drinking.
Guarantee Period : 36 months
Storage : Keep away from the place of high temperature, humidity and direct sunshine. If taken after frozen, it will have better taste.
Cautions : Children, pregnant women are not recommended to take, person of serious gastrointestinal ulcers are forbidden; do nor swallow because of fruit cores.
Disclaimer :
These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease, or to make any claims. As individual differ, their results with these products will differ, even when following the same method. Always consult your health care professional before starting and detoxing or diet program.
美国Leptin话梅以话梅为载体,帮助我们做好“体内 环保”,48小时持续保护您的肠胃、滋润肠道、软化干涸 粪便、分解有害物质,并使其易于排出体外。能迅速修复肠 道壁受损细胞, 滋养肠粘膜, 清除肠道内自由基, 延缓细胞衰老, 启动细胞活力, 达到养肠效果。 从根本上解决便秘问题。
第 1 天: 睡前服用1小时后,体内肠道壁上的肥油、毒素和宿便开始 被分解、软化。6 ~ 8小时内会无比通畅的排出松软成型的黑色油便、宿便和毒 素,味臭,便量比平时大 3 倍,水面漂浮油花。
第 7 天: 服用七天后,肠内油脂和宿便及毒素基本上排除干净.这时 小便透明, 大便嫩黄, 圆圆的小肚子变软变平, 脸色明显红润光滑, 精力充沛。
第 30 天:支持服用 30 天后,胃、肠动力得到彻底激活。便秘不反弹,色斑淡化, 皮肤光亮嫩滑。
[主要配料] 话梅、乳酸菌、低聚木糖、粉红玫瑰、桑椹
[规格型号] 15粒×10克/盒
[食用方法] 每日一次,晚餐后拆开一包嚼食
[食用人群] 排便困难(便秘)、脸色晦暗(痤疮)、体内垃圾、毒素沉积者
[保质期限] 18个月
[贮藏方法] 避免置于高温、潮湿及日光直射处
[注意事项] 幼儿、孕妇不建议食用;严重消化道溃疡者慎用;内有果核请勿吞食。
• 使用期间,尽量不要食用含糖量和脂肪量高的食品。
• 极少数消费者在开始使用时可能会出现身体不适的症状。 这种症状的主要表现为:
1) 睡眠质量不佳 - 这属于体内脂肪燃烧后还未能及时排泄出来的缘故。这时应加强运动或配合使用清肠排毒产品,及时排泄即可。
2) 心慌、头晕 - 这属于体内脂肪燃烧过快而身体能量供给不足的缘故。这时应多吃含维生素高的食品补充身体需要即可。
3) 双腿发软 - 这属于体内脂肪消耗太快而造成的。这时应多喝水、多吃瘦肉、蛋类食品补充身体需要即可。
4) 身体多汗 - 这属于体内脂肪燃烧后的一种自然排泄现象。这时应注意多喝水。
Leptin Weight Loss Dried Plum
Leptin weight loss dried plum is made from the effective ingredients extracted from the edible herbal plants such as Yunnan Puerh tea, lotus leaves, through ultra-low-temperature extraction, then by scientific combination, inoculate the special microcapsule active lactobacillus, taking secreted-prepared dried plums as carriers, and then carry on complicated process to produce this kind of natural healthy food without any chemical agents. Weight loss does not require diet deliberately, and it has no side effects on human bodies. Meanwhile, it will not restric your appetite; not stimulate your nerve center, without addiction, anorexia, fatigue, and reoccurrence !
Main Ingredients :-
Dried plum, Active lactobacillus, lotus leaves, Puerh tea.
Net Content : 15 packs/box
Usage : Take once everyday and open one bag to chew after dinner.
Applicable group : Persons requiring reducing weight and body weight-control due to excess nutrition, lack of exercise, and many social activities for over eating and drinking.
Guarantee Period : 36 months
Storage : Keep away from the place of high temperature, humidity and direct sunshine. If taken after frozen, it will have better taste.
Cautions : Children, pregnant women are not recommended to take, person of serious gastrointestinal ulcers are forbidden; do nor swallow because of fruit cores.
Disclaimer :
These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease, or to make any claims. As individual differ, their results with these products will differ, even when following the same method. Always consult your health care professional before starting and detoxing or diet program.