描述 :
SMARTSENSE LEPTIN GREEN COFFEE 800仅有一种标签》》》请各位美眉们,认真了解产品, 切勿为了省下区区几十元而购买假货》》》》》
假货的盒纸上写的字是**[18 pack]**
真货的盒纸上写的字是**[18 sachets,有封条*封条上的字是写*Leptin American Leptin Pharmaceutical Co.Ltd ] 顾客 们可要认清楚才买哦!
SMARTSENSE LEPTIN GREEN COFFEE 800仅有一种标签》》》请各位美眉们,认真了解产品, 切勿为了省下区区几十元而购买假货》》》》》
因为LEPTIN GREEN COFFEE 是如今市场上最畅销的商品,一些商家已纷纷仿冒L EPTIN产品的包装,企图制造自己的标签,在以贱价售卖,使得很多顾客误以为是原创LEPTIN 公司的产品,在此,SMART SENSE 公司以作出回应,SMART SENSE LEPTIN ORIGINAL 商标仅此一种 ,其他任何标签商品并不属于SMARTSENSE LEPTIN 公司商品
The New Leptin Green coffee 1000 is the successor of Green Coffee 800 with updated
formula and double action. This supplement is developed from green tea, caffeine and a blend
of herbal extracts. Its completely free of drugs. Contents: 18 sachets of 10 grams
FDA approval is valid for all of our products.
Buy only Original Products from Smart Sense International Ltd
Contents: 18 sachets of 10 grams
Leptin Green coffee 1000 is the successor of Green Coffee 800 with updated formula and double
action. This supplement is developed from green tea, caffeine and a blend of herbal extracts.
Its completely free of drugs.Green coffee 1000 is more concentrated than
Green Coffee 800. It reduces appetite and stimulates the body to burn fat, so you can lose
weight quickly and responsibly. Besides weight loss, Green Coffee 1000 has an anti-aging
effect, purifies the intestines and is positive for people with skin problems like acne.
Ingredients: green tea, caffeine, calcium,chromium Picolinate, Panax ginseng root,
antioxidant polyphenols and epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG).
Dissolve 1 sachet in 100 ml of hot water (1 cup)+After 20 minutes you can have breakfast
Leptin Green coffee 1000 is the successor of Green Coffee 800 with updated formula and double
action. This supplement is developed from green tea, caffeine and a blend of herbal extracts.
Its completely free of drugs.Green coffee 1000 is more concentrated than
Green Coffee 800. It reduces appetite and stimulates the body to burn fat, so you can lose
weight quickly and responsibly. Besides weight loss, Green Coffee 1000 has an anti-aging
effect, purifies the intestines and is positive for people with skin problems like acne.
Ingredients: green tea, caffeine, calcium,chromium Picolinate, Panax ginseng root,
antioxidant polyphenols and epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG).
Dissolve 1 sachet in 100 ml of hot water (1 cup)+After 20 minutes you can have breakfast